Week 4 starts off with a very busy day: the beginning of excavation. Trenches were made for the grade beams and footings for the structure. Drilling began on the four piers (each 15 feet deep) which will support the grade beam and steel structure above. A small rebar factory was set up in the driveway - yup it looks like we're building a freeway overpass! Under the house, forms went in for the retaining wall, and near the bedroom, a large part of the deck was removed and trenching began for the footings to support the bedroom extension. Whew! That's a Monday. There must have been 16 people working on site.Tuesday and Wedensday saw steady progress on piers, forms, and the cages for the piers and grade beams. The crew continued work on excavating the footings for the tree house, and did a considerable amount of demolition in the master suite, removing the entire floor of the bedroom and much of the wall surface. A total of about 75 yds of dirt has been excavated from the site so far. Thankfully, I've got neighbors who need dirt; otherwise, we'd need to truck this quite some distance.
We had a big huddle Wednesday morning with the GC and our structural engineer. The subject was a trench footing which is called for under the house which crosses under the A/C unit - which all of us would prefer not to move. We threw around a number of ideas on how to redirect this footing, and it looks like we have a solution which calls for something a bit smaller. That footing will be the basis for a pre-fabbed metal structural wall which will extend all the way to the roof. This will be tricky as it goes in the wall behind the washer and dryer - eh, it's only sheetrock. But there will be some re-routing of pipes and electric required in that wall. We have pictures of what is in that wall from the guest room remodel, so that's helpful.
By the end of the week, all but one of the footings were dug and filled with rebar. Where the footings tie into the existing foundation, the rebar is connected with epoxy. The last footing to dig will be the one under the house near the A/C. Much of this complexity is to combat earth movement. Once again, welcome to earthquake country.